Synthesis and up scaling
Centrum organicke chemie s.r.o.
[PRINT] Other [SMART TEXTILES] Other [STRUCTURAL ELECTRONICS] Other [WEARABLE] Print on stretchable films (e.g. TPU)
[R&D PROJECT / TECHNO TRANSFER / CONTRACT RESEARCH] Proof of concept (TRL3: Critical Function or Proof of Concept Established). [TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR SCALE UP] Product prototyping (TRL 4) [TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR SCALE UP] Product Concept validation (TRL 5) [TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR SCALE UP] Manufacturing prototyping [TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR SCALE UP] Manufacturing concept validation
Textile Printing and graphic arts Health Environment Energy
COC offers cooperation in synthesis, tailoring and up scaling of materials for functional applications (electronics, photoactive processes) including application form. Synthetic, purification and characterisation procedure of investigated compounds developed on laboratory scale is verified in glass pilot plant and regular pilot plant. Technologies is possible to transfer into regular production units of industrial partners or to use for production in our pilot plant.

COC is equipped for laboratory synthesis, purification and material characterisation. Glass pilot plant equipped by apparatus up to 100 l enable to verify new technologies and to prepare dry material up to 1 kg or application form including printing inks up to 50 l. Regular pilot plant (apparatus up to 600 l) enables to verify technologies before their transfer into regular production scale. The finalisation processes for printing inks are available in all process development parts.
