Institute for Print and Media Technology | TU Chem
[PRINT] Screen printing / R2R [PRINT] Gravure Printing / R2R [PRINT] Other [ASSEMBLY] Lamination / R2R [INSPECTION] Electrical testing / R2R
[PROVIDER OF TECH INFRASTRUCTURE] Access to (low rate) production facilities [PROVIDER OF TECH INFRASTRUCTURE] Other [TESTING AND VALIDATION] Product qualification
Electronics & Components Integrated Smart Systems Organic Photovoltaics Other
Transport/Automotive Sports Security Printing and graphic arts Packaging/Logistics Health Environment Energy Consumer electronics Building & architecture
We offer R2R printing machines for various printing and drying (UV, infrared) processes.

Modell: LaborMAN I / II

Materials: all liquid and pasty materials (e.g. silver, PEDOT, etc.)

Substrates: thin films, paper, etc.


  • width up to 140 mm possible, length - unlimited
  • printing speed up to 10 m/s (depends on material)