PrintoCent Webinar
Sustainable World with Printed Intelligence Products webinar

WHEN: September 8th at 13:00-16:00

WHERE: changed to fully virtual - you’ll get the participation link prior to the event

 Webinar highlights how sustainability demands influence the design and development of products on different business areas. We’ll also look into how key features of Printed Intelligence help to achieve the sustainability goals of a new product covering its entire life cycle.

 The presentations cover areas like automotive industry, structural electronics and new openings like repairing of wearables, heating of surfaces. Moreover the sustainability of products out of printed intelligence and future options will be presented. The more detailed agenda with two sessions will be published 31.8.2021.

 Due to Covid-19 restrictions and online facilitation we have to cancel the planned mini-exhibition and networking.

 Registration is open until 3.9.2021.

Jana Mwangi
27. 8. 2021 11:34