Printed Intelligence Handbook for technology training and coaching gives a practical description of various printed and hybrid electronics components

The Introduction to Printed Intelligence – Handbook for technology training and coaching gives a practical description of various printed and hybrid electronics components and processes, incl. capabilities, limitations and use cases. It also describes how printed electronics can be used in product development.

This handbook covers printed components and devices, such as conductors, passives, transistors, memories, displays, energy harvesting and storage devices, microfluidic devices and a variety of printed sensors as well as process & quality control and reliability testing.

The Printed intelligence handbook is written by leading experts from the technology pioneers and research institutes, such as Tactotek, Ynvisible, Flexbright and VTT.

Free download here: https://www.printocent.net/handbook/

Jana Mwangi
28. 12. 2020 22:48