Business validation
[INDUSTRY] SMEs [INDUSTRY] Midcaps [INDUSTRY] Large Enterprise [SERVICES ORGANIZATION] DIH [SERVICES ORGANIZATION] Clusters & Industry Associations [SERVICES ORGANIZATION] Incubators and Accelerators [INVESTORS] Public [INVESTORS] Private [EDUCATION] Private training [EDUCATION] Vocational training [EDUCATION] Academics of applied sciences [EDUCATION] Universities [RESEARCH] Research and technology organisations  [RESEARCH] Private labs
Building & architecture Consumer electronics Energy Environment Health Printing and graphic arts Security Sports Textile Transport/Automotive Agnostic / Transversal
[Access to Funding] - Connection to public funding sources [Access to Funding] - Connection to private funding sources [Access to Funding] - Investment plans and resources allocation plan [Access to Funding] - Creating consortia [Access to Funding] - Development of proposals [Access to Funding] - Innovation booster (incubator/accelerator) [Access to Funding] - Pitching in front of customers or investors

An idea is not an entreprise. We support organizations in the maturation process and the validation of a business model. We also help in the financing plan of the development of the project.