Project Management
AMIRES s.r.o
[INDUSTRY] SMEs [INDUSTRY] Midcaps [INDUSTRY] Large Enterprise [EDUCATION] Universities [RESEARCH] Research and technology organisations 
Building & architecture Consumer electronics Energy Environment Health Ligthing Textile Sports Transport/Automotive
[Access to Funding] - Connection to public funding sources [Access to Funding] - Connection to private funding sources [Access to Funding] - Investment plans and resources allocation plan [Access to Funding] - Creating consortia [Access to Funding] - Development of proposals [Access to Funding] - Innovation booster (incubator/accelerator) [Access to Funding] - Pitching in front of customers or investors
AMIRES provides a range of tailored services from identifying matching partners, through proposal commenting, up to full proposal preparation with a complex support. Moreover, our clients receive an access to reports, which give an overview of already funded projects, their technologies and key movers, developed using AMIplexus.